Thursday, May 20, 2010

you capture - depth of field

I had no trouble with this week's you capture because shallow depth of field is the look I go for most of the time anyway.

My neighbor's hydrangeas of which I am very jealous.

And....then there's my yard. Now that the azaleas are gone, this is about all it has to offer.
Next year, my year.

And the little porker's feet as she was barking at me because she hates the camera.



  1. Absolutely beautiful shots! The colors are amazing.

  2. Great shots the colors are great. I like the puppy legs shot the best though! They can have so much personality huh?

  3. Beautiful shots! I love the black eyed susans!

  4. I'm the same way about DoF! I can't seem to close my aperture down or move away from objects. It's a sickness, I tell you. I loooooove all of these. I'm a sucker for puppy dogs and I just want to curl up in hydrangeas, don't you?

  5. What pretty shots and I love the dog feet. I almost posted my poodles newly trimmed pom pom feet but she wouldn't stand still long enough for me to get any good shots.

  6. Great shots!! I can't wait until my hydrangeas bloom.

  7. Wow, beautiful hydrangea shots! I can't wait for mine to bloom.


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