Wednesday, March 31, 2010

blossoms at the park, or why I love my 50mm 1.4

Linking up with Blessed Moon.

There is this one tree at the park that has the best blossoms. I'm guessing it might be a Bradford Pear, but I'm not sure. Anyone know?

I love the tiny depth of field I got with the f1.4.

Love the blossom bokeh.

I had short work days Monday and Tuesday, and the weather was great, so the pups got as much park time as they could handle.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I have a dog named Lilly.

I feel like she doesn't get her share of the spotlight here, so today she's getting her own post. 

She's my rescue baby. She is a true mutt. We know she's part lab and part some kind of terrier, and I think she has some greyhound blood.

She's fast as lightning, digs up molehills at the park and is a swimmer.

She's a cuddler and much prefers people to dogs.

She's camera shy and turns her nose up to it, so I have to catch her in the right mood to get a keeper.

She has to be sedated to have her toenails trimmed, hates baths and has to take meds daily for a pancreatic disorder. Yes, she's high maintenance, and she loves it. She eats like a pig and stays thin as a rail (hence my greyhound theory).

She's one of those rescue dogs that knows she was rescued and says thank you every day with a head on the shoulder or lick on the chin.

Linking up with Sweet Shot Day at My 3 Boybarians.

Monday, March 29, 2010

weekend snaps 3/29/10

It was a weekend filled with babysitting boys.

Lots of wii playing.

traditional Sat. breakfast. After Honey ate the donuts.

Fun day at the park.

Wild wild wild.

We were happy for a pretty day and even happier Kentucky got the ax!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Second chance soup

I've always thought French Onion Soup sounded great. I love the French. I love carmelized onions. And I love soup. Perfect.

But the first time I tried it a few years ago at a deli, it was not what I was expecting. Don't know what I was expecting, but the strong flavor bowled me over. Ever since then, I've been cautious of the myserious brown soup.

Then I saw pioneer woman's step by step recipe, and it looked so good. But everything does when Ree makes it. I wouldn't have thought the ingredients would be so few and so familiar. In fact, all things I already had: onions, stock, butter, garlic, worcestershire, bread, cheese (I left out the wine becuase I didn't have any).

So I tried it last night, and it was a success! I guess my taste buds have changed, because I thought it was delish. Strong for sure, but very flavorful. I ate the bread on the side instead of its traditional place atop the soup, but I'm weird about soggy bread.

You should make this! Easy, affordable, and great for the last few cold nights ahead.

Sorry no photos of my own version. I love to cook, and I love to take pictures, but I just don't love doing them at the same time. It's very stressful. I meant to get a shot of the finished product, but I was so hungry I forgot. I'll do better next time!

This was even better for lunch the day after! Flavor developed and all that good stuff.

spring break bitterness

This being my first year as a working girl, it was also my first year ever with no spring break. My family and friends jetted off to Mexico, New York and Florida. Where did I go? Across town to my mom's house to dog sit.

So in lieu of the exciting photos I wish I had of my exciting spring break, I'll relive last year's spring break. Life's not all bad, though. I'll be at the beach two months from now. And it will be warm.

Hope your spring break was/is/will be fun and relaxing!

Linking up with Blessed Moon's Friday Photo Hop.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I miss this

Toward the end of the season, I went to Tigers games once or twice a week. Now we have to wait half a year to see them again. Sigh.

I miss the crowd.

I miss going with this one.

I miss bowling over kids after the game so we can be this close to the players. Me for the photo op and Hank for the high fives.

I miss walking down Beale after the game.

I miss this view from the parking garage.

And this one.

And I miss making Hank pull over so I can take a picture of the trolley and the bridge.

Guess I'll have to settle for the Redbirds, our minor league baseball team. They start their season next month. It's no Tigers game for sure, but they do have fireworks.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

walking weather

I took the porker for a walk yesterday after work. It was the first time I've worn shorts this year.

Someone forgot her leash etiquette and stopped to smell about 800 times. It was her first walk in the new neighborhood, though, so she gets a pass this time.

Part of my sidewalk is brick.

My dad babysat at this house way back when. It's one of the oldest in the 'hood. He said there's a full servant's quarters.

Not too much is blooming yet, but this guy is ahead of the curve.

Sun was starting to set.
This may become a ritual.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

progression of car ride misbehavior

Car rides with Honey are stressful. She tends to hop incessantly from the back seat to the "very back," whining like mad. While my mom drives, I have to keep my arm glued to her headrest, creating a fence to keep Honey from barreling up front. (We've tried those guard things. She chews right through them.)

She's just so excited, she can't be controlled. And she gnaws on the nearest thing in sight. Hopefully that will be the tennis ball we remembered to bring, but if not, it's a leash, a towel or a seat belt (yes, we had to have it replaced) The other three sit perfectly still and quiet while the queen has a raging nervous fit.

One of the rare moments of stillness. She had probably spotted another dog.

On the way back, we get a little lax. She's tired and much calmer. But also sopping wet. She knows just how to work us to let her slowly inch her way up front.

Pushing the limits.

And she wins. By this point, my arm is soaking and we've shifted into neutral a time or two. The horn may have been honked accidentally.

But it's worth it for a night of this:

Monday, March 22, 2010

hippity hoppity...

Yesterday at church we sang the best songs. I am a traditional service person. I'm not anti-contemporary, but you just can't beat the organ, piano, choir, and - in yesterday's case - cello (my fave), violins and drums.

All the songs seemed to have an Easter vibe - all about triumph over the grave and life after death.

My two favorites were this and this.

Crown him the Lord of life,
who triumphed o'er the grave,
and rose victorious in the strife for those he came to save.
His glories now we sing,
who died, and rose on high,
who died, eternal life to bring,
and lives that death may die.

Love it. Now I'm in the mood for Easter. Our church does this on Easter Sunday:

I think it's so cool. Anyone else do something similar?

My mom's favorite Easter song is "Up From the Grave He Arose..."  It's one of those hymns you sing loud. Those are the best kind.

Wide Angle Weekend

Finally got my 20mm lens, so bear with me if I go a little overboard with the wide angle.

The yard is at last leaf-free.

Friday night dinner in Harbor Town.

We ate outside and watched the sun set.

John Mayer. Boy was amazing!

He may be a jerk, but he sure can give a good show.

We were sad Memphis lost, but glad Kansas did, too.

Perfect park day.

We're glad it's spring!

Friday, March 19, 2010

This makes me a little uncomfortable

Chill, gvmt.

target treasures and temptations

Liberty of London has landed, and it's even better than I hoped. They have items in just about every department, and each was cuter than the next.

They had lots of frames.

Kitchen ware. It was a tough call between their prep bowls and this cannister, but my garlic needed a new home.

I have a slight obsession with mini notebooks.

This was Dwell, not L.o.L. All their throw pillows and bedding are so tempting too.

Things I will probably not be able resist and go back for this weekend:
  • Rain boots that I will wear maybe twice a year. But April showers are on their way.
  •  A long satin-y sundress. Perfect for the beach.
  • watering can. For my two houseplants that are on death's door. This would encourage me to water them! (can't find this on the target site)
  • those prep bowls.
  • drum shade in a bright floral (though everything L.o.L. is bright florals).
I need!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

buzzer beater

I linked this post up to the Friday photo-hop over at Blessed Moon. The theme was fairytales, and I think this qualifies quite nicely!

As promised, photos from the game. I got a little carried away with the black and white. I usually prefer color, but there's something about sports in b&w that I love.

Excuse the quality. I didn't have my telephoto.

Friday v. Ole Miss. It's on.

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