Monday, April 5, 2010

weekend snaps. 4/5/10

Linking up with Six in the City.

Started the weekend off right by taking off work Friday. I spent the morning giving my friend's dog Beau a photoshoot. Isn't he the cutest Boxer you've ever seen?

And the afternoon watching this. Very good. I highly recommend it.

Honey highly recommends this activity.

 The tulips finally came to life.

These are the ones we took to church to lay on the cross. Lilly approved.

Hope your easter was great!


  1. I always love looking at your pictures. You are so talented! Thanks for sharing!

  2. That movie is on my netflix list! :) A tennis ball and a dog ready to run looks just like what we were doing on Easter. Wonderful photographs!!

  3. All cute pics and nice DOF in the tennis ball pic

  4. The dog and tennis ball: That's a sure fire recipe for losing a hand around this house!

  5. all great shots! love the tennis ball pic and gotta love the flowers blooming. I love this time of year :)

  6. Love the perspective on the ball/dog picture. Really nice shots.

  7. Feeling guilty... trying to hide the picture from my pup:)
    Fun shots. Glad I saw you at Darcy's.

  8. That tennis ball pic could be a Wilson ad! :)


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